الدورات التدريبية
This course is designed to enhance the communication skills of intermediate-level English speakers in a work environment. Participants will learn strategies for effective verbal and written communication, including active listening, clear speaking, professional email writing, and presenting with confidence. They will also explore non-verbal communication cues and cross-cultural communication considerations. The course will cover techniques for building professional relationships, resolving conflicts, and participating effectively in meetings and discussions. Through interactive activities and role-plays, participants will practice their skills and develop a personal communication improvement plan. By the end of the course, they will be equipped with the tools to communicate effectively in a professional setting.
المنشأة التدريبية
معهد مهارات المستقبل العالي للتدريباللغة
غير متاحجنس الحضور
44 ساعة على 30 أيامالموقع
غير متاح• Importance of effective communication in the workplace • Different modes of communication (verbal, written, non-verbal) • Strategies for active listening and speaking clearly and confidently • Email etiquette and writing professional emails • Crafting effective business letters, memos, and reports • Understanding and utilizing non-verbal communication cues • Preparing and delivering effective presentations • Participating actively in meetings and discussions • Strategies for navigating conflicts and difficult conversations • Cultural differences in communication and adapting to diverse environments • Building professional relationships and networking skills • Identifying and improving personal communication strengths and weaknesses
غير متاح